Ever since the occurrence of mankind, there have been some strange people having supernatural powers who have been able to protect communities from their enemies and other external factors. These kind of people given the name psychics and they have been in existence for as long as mankind. These people have played a big role in the society like finding lost items in the society and also pointing out thieves and other wrong doers. These people were very feared and respected because they helped communities in so many ways making them very important and respected in the society.

Psychic detectives came up in the past recent years but they are different from the traditional ones because they have turned and are using their gifts for money making purposes. In the past, these people were sacred and they used their powers and gifts for only genuine reasons but today the people who have these gifts are more money oriented and they would never offer their services for free. Many have business offices and they have employed people who are charged with running the business but this is not the right direction to take. These powers are meant to help people but they have found ways to turn them into a business.

In the past, psychics were charged with the responsibility of protecting their communities in so many ways like some used give their soldiers good routes when going to war in order for them to avoid being attacked and win all their battles. They also used to predict when their enemies are going to attack them so that the army generals could be able to put counter measures in place to prevent the attack from taking place. The modern ones are greedy and they are out to make money instead of helping their communities.