Ways of Knowing if you are Psychic

The mentality that was put across concerning psychics was quite damaging. They were believed to be magical fortunetellers commonly found in dim rooms that were candle lit with bright signs behind them. A lot of mystery was believed to surround them which made many people ridicule their abilities by labeling them as con artists. However, this has drastically changed in today’s world as the acceptance of psychic abilities has increased. Telling whether you have such powers is simple even as you go on with your day to day life.

§         Take the phone aspect and think of the many calls you get daily. Have you ever been in a situation where you know the person calling even before you can answer? Or at times, you engage yourself in thinking about a person and then shortly he or she calls you? These are not coincidences as most people label them but are instances common among psychics and are due to happen always.

§         You can take any labeled cards containing different symbols, colors or images from one of your friends. Engage your friend in choosing one particular card without showing it to you. You can make a guess of which card your friend has chosen and if you happen to make matching guesses, this shows that you have a supernatural ability in you.

§         When you are looking at people who are around you and you happen to see different colors around them, this shows that you are spotting an aura. Any living thing has an energy field that is not commonly visible to the ordinary human eye apart from those who have supernatural abilities. If you are able to see it yourself, this simply means that you have a supernatural ability in you that is inevitable. 

§         Check whether you have empathy for other people by exploring your feelings. If an emotion overwhelms you abruptly e.g. sadness even if there is nothing triggering it, this simply means that is another side of sadness you are feeling.